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Selectmen Minutes 08/07/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 7, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT: Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  Chairman Colbert was excused for vacation.

Selectman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  


The Selectmen opened the sealed bids (2) received for the sale of town property located on Towle Road, identified as map 4, lot 48.
Bid number one was received from Ryan Lemay in the amount of $12, 685.99.  A ten percent deposit of $1,269.00 was included with the bid.

Bid number two was received from J. Brandon Giuda in the amount of $19,007.00.  A ten percent deposit of $1, 901.00 was included with the bid.

The Board did not take any further action on the bids this evening due to the absence of Chairman Colbert.

SUBJECT: Pot Holes on Canterbury Road  
PRESENT: Bill Clark  

Mr. Clark met with the Selectmen to discuss his letter to the Board regarding damage to his tire rims he believes was caused by the pot holes located on Canterbury Road.  The photos included in Mr. Clark’s letter did not pinpoint where on Canterbury Road the pot holes were located.  A portion of Canterbury Road is maintained by the State. The Board sent correspondence to Mr. Clark requesting Mr. Clark to follow – up with the Road Agent as to the location of these pot holes to determine whether or not the Town is responsible for repair.  Mr. Clark has been on vacation and has not met with the Road Agent. Mr. Clark also expressed frustration over the situation because two Chichester highway workers live on Canterbury Road.

The Town, upon written notification of the potential hazard, corrected the situation and had the pot holes repaired by the highway department.     

 Selectmen DeBold explained the town is not liable for damage to property or person under NHRSA 231:92 Liability of Municipalities: Standard of Care, which states in part; A municipality shall not be held liable for damages in an action to recover for personal injury or property damage arising out of its construction, maintenance or repair of public highways unless such injury or damage was caused by an insufficiency, as defined by RSA 231:90.   

Selectman DeBold stated he did not have an excuse for why the Road Agent had not filled the pot holes prior, and questioned whether or not that could be determined as negligence on the part of the Road Agent.  

The Board wished to discuss this matter with the Road Agent and Chairman Colbert prior to rendering a decision on compensating Mr. Clark for damages allegedly incurred on Canterbury

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BOS minutes
August 7, 2007

Road.  Mr. Clark offered to have a Volvo dealer inspect the condition of the rims and offer a repair estimate for comparison to the estimate previously submitted.

Joanna McIntosh, a Canterbury Road resident as well, stated the highway department fills those holes all the time and a couple days later they are empty again.  A brief discussion took place as to the effectiveness of the process currently being utilized by the highway department.

SUBJECT: Re-Mapping of Leavitt Cemetery  
PRESENT: Joanna McIntosh  

Ms. McIntosh informed the Selectmen the Cemetery Trustees need to re-map the existing Leavitt Cemetery and survey the remaining piece not currently utilized.  The Trustees have met with a vendor for this project who is without liability insurance. There is money available for this type of work in the Leavitt Cemetery Fund.  The Trustees are seeking direction from the Board on this issue.  The Board gave Ms. McIntosh several vendor options and advised the Trustees to solicit more proposals for this project.  The Board agreed with the necessity of accurate and updated maps for all the Town cemeteries.


The Selectmen reviewed the eight resumes received for the new Office Assistant position.  One was received after the deadline and not accepted.   The remaining seven candidates will be scheduled for interviews with the Board.   

Selectman DeBold passed along a request received from a former fire/rescue department member
for authorization by the town for the third in a series of three hepatitis shots.  Administrator Stevens was directed to pass the request along to the Fire Chief.

Ms. Andrea Deachman informed the Selectmen that the Planning Board received this year’s CIP (Capital Improvement Program) requests from all the major departments on time.  The Recreation Commission has met and is working on the update.  Andrea will follow up with the library.

The Selectmen reviewed correspondence from Wayne McIntyre and an invoice from Crystal Hills Water Company relative to a replacement water system for the McIntyre residence.  The Selectmen approved payment.

The Selectmen have received a request from Karl Merrill for the town to accept Healy Pasture Road as a Class V road.  A public hearing will be scheduled.  The Road Agent and Town Engineer will need to inspect the condition of the roadway.  

Selectman MacCleery brought forward a written complaint to the Board he received regarding the safety hazard occurring at the corner of Rte 28 and Webster Mills Road as a result of continued placement of vehicles for sale in the State’s right-of-way.  Administrator Stevens was directed to pursue ownership and direct removal of vehicles. Notification to the State was also requested by the Selectmen.

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August 7, 2007

Prior to signatures by the Board, Selectman DeBold will review the contract between the Town and CLD Engineering Consultants for professional services.  

Lisa reminded the Selectmen that individual applications must be completed for all participating in the Incident Command Training scheduled for September and October.

The Selectmen signed a Yield Tax Levy for map 1, lot 3, Day in the amount of $641.06.

All remaining mail and correspondence was reviewed.  Payroll and Accounts Payable was signed.

The minutes of July 31, 2007 were approved as corrected.

Lisa was given authorization to have the thermostat in the Selectmen’s office relocated to a more accessible location.  

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:20pm. Both were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN